Sunday, February 23, 2014

Marty Green's Children At Risk?

My readers may have noticed that there has been quite an upsurge of activity among the haters recently. Many of the negative comments seem to be the work of one or two very energetic correspondents. You can recognize them pretty easily. But there was an interesting post the other day from a woman who claimed to be a former Child and Family Services worker. Based on what she'd read on this blog, she was concerned that my children were in some kind of danger; or at least, that they were growing up in a psychologically abusive environment.

We all know how well the CFS protects abused children. But maybe this woman is on to something? My son actually came out last year with some pretty disturbing stories about growing up. You can listen to one of them here, on the CBC website. Michael's segment is about 21 minutes into the program if you want to skip ahead.

Michael elaborates further on the situation in this on-line essay, where he describes his father as "less than normal". I'm going to admit that I don't come off looking that good. But that's the chance you take when you put yourself out there. Check it out and judge for yourself.

And while you're at it, hears an old video showing my other two kids when they were young:


  1. I have been reading this blog from start to finish and this is my first post. I am struck by memories of an experience I had as a student in grade 12 of Gordon Bell. I had spent the summer between grade 11 and 12 at a Leadership Camp (which as 'future leader,’ and A student I had been selected for) where I had been exposed to a completely different perspective on learning and education. For me it was an eye opening experience and one which involved a critical view and provocative questioning of the education system I had spent the last 12 years in. I returned to grade 12 filled with an interest and excitement for what the education system could be like, and naively embarked on using my positions as editor of the school newspaper (The Chimes) and Vice President of the student council to make what I perceived to be some important changes in my education. (along the lines of wouldn’t it be amazing if schools could teach us how to think instead of what to think?) One of the causes I undertook was to try and introduce the radical concept that students should be more engaged in actually participating in their education, by trying to introduce the radical concept of students evaluating their teachers. My idea was to bring in a system of constructive criticism and evaluation of our teachers, not dissimilar in concept to the age old system of teachers evaluating students. I was shocked to find the huge opposition to this idea that came from my fellow students. It was too radical a concept for our flock to embrace. I really felt that the education system had stamped out so much of our capacity for independent thought. The system I proposed came close, but didn’t actually come to fruition. But in the meantime the process that took place was, I think, truly educational for us all. I had teachers approach me during that year with comments like “what happened to you… you used to be such a good student.”, with similar sentiments from some of my classmates. I was very surprised by those comments - but buoyed by the feeling that in the struggles to introduce my ideas I was actually learning at school more than I ever had. The struggles at student council where I faced so much opposition became lessons in democracy that my education system hadn’t come close to.
    Yes Marty Green was/is extremely unconventional and whether you liked it or not would challenge your comfortable assumptions, policies, procedures, codes or routines. But I, for one, value(d) that and have always respected the Marty Greens of the world. I see from this blog that Marty is still doing that - and I see from the volume of comments that maybe the questions and discomfort he elicits may just broaden some perspectives, that maybe some of the best and most significant learning from his education classes is taking place here and now. Go Marty go! I wish you all the best.

    1. If you're the Stan I think you are (living on the West Coast) it's really nice to hear from you. Did you like video of my kids?

  2. I listened to Mike's story, can't stop laughing. and he looks just like you! Enjoy!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
